Our advantage

How Roomtodo differs from other floor planning software

Almost all online solutions for creating room plans follow the same 'traditional' logic of building walls. That is, the walls are a line constructed between two points, and the thickness of the wall is calculated from this line.

At first glance, this seems logical, but if we are not building just one wall, but an entire room, it turns out that the outer and inner contours of the wall have different lengths.

Thus, it turns out that the length of the initial line is no longer necessary, and it is desirable to know the length of the outer or inner wall. All programs easily calculate this for simple rectangular rooms. But what to do if you have a complex wall configuration, as in this example?

You might be able to build such a wall in other planners, but unlike Roomtodo, it will be very difficult. And what to do in a program with 'traditional' walls if you have a wall of uneven thickness?

You won't be able to build such a wall in any online program other than Roomtodo (we are not considering professional programs because learning them will take weeks).

Unlike other programs, we use a completely different mathematical approach to building walls, which is based on internal and external contours. This approach allows you to draw walls of any complexity in minutes.

So, if you need not just a schematic plan but accurate measurements and calculations when drawing your floor plan, Roomtodo is a unique combination of the precision of professional programs and the ease of use of online services.

See our educational 5-minute video on drawing walls and try it yourself.
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